Laying parquet: do-it-yourself guide

Laying parquet: do-it-yourself guide


Before laying parquet, it is recommended to store the floor packs in dry, clean and protected environments. Open the packages only at the time of installation, make sure that in the rooms the temperature is at least 15 ° C and that the relative humidity of the air is between 40% and 60% ura, the laying surface must be: protected from infiltration of humidity and from condensation; dry, with a moisture content that must not exceed 2% by weight for normal or quick-drying cement-based screeds, 1.7% for heated screeds and 0.5% for anhydride screeds. The humidity control must be carried out using a calcium carbide hygrometer before laying.

The laying of the parquet is particularly interesting. It can be glued or floating. Or, again, it can be nailed. This method presupposes a very laborious preparation of the substrate, marked by mangatelli (wooden strips with dovetail section) , with seasoning, drying times and a thousand precautions to be weighed in detail. This method presupposes the use of boards or boards of adequate thickness (at least 22 mm). The nailed parquet, then, tends to move slightly, creaking. For those who do not like old houses, this is basically a nuisance.
The screed must be solid; compact; rigid, clean surface without formation of surface dust. For laying on ceramic or marble surfaces, make a suitable preparation of the same, do not lay on substrates with residues of old glues.


If the parquet is glued, use only water-free or specific adhesives for pre-finished wooden floors. The glue must be free of Building Acetate normally present in two-component and vinyl glues.
Slight sounds of emptiness located somewhere on the floor are not a symptom of non-gripping of the wooden elements.
During the laying mix wooden elements taken from several packs. Apply the glue directly to the laying surface with a suitable notched trowel, do not glue on the sides, immediately clean any residues and burrs of glue with special products, leave a suitable escape space around the perimeter to be sized according to the surface of the room. In case of floating installation, in addition to leaving the perimeter space, put the expansion joints according to the parquet surface laid. It is advisable to apply the joints near the division of each room.
Laying on a heating / cooling substrate, as well as in insufficiently ventilated areas, could lead to cracks or swelling of the wooden elements. Pay attention to the calibration of the system itself as the temperature at the laying surface must not exceed 27 ° C. FLORIAN wooden floors are perfectly suited to be applied on heating / cooling systems as the ideal laying system, and they have proved to be fully glued or floating floors. We do not recommend the use of wood species such as maple, beech, Siberian larch without knots as they tend easily to the formation of cracks in the end avoid covering the floor with rugs or other, after laying and after finishing the floor, and up to delivery of the same, it is necessary to guarantee the climatic conditions of 18-22 ° C and relative air humidity between 40% 60% u.r.a. Any formations of clay or bristles are allowed.
Any stonàlizzations created by the presence of rugs or other objects tend to disappear when the floor is exposed to light.

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